Hairstyle to dress: Your shape is fabulous!

Until a hairstyle can pay a compliment to a dress’ shape, this little tidbit from “The Thread” on Yahoo! Shine is wrong, wrong, wrong:

compliments shine thread

The wrong word (compliment instead of the correct complement) isn’t the only problem. If you follow the Associated Press style (as Yahoo! supposedly does), the possessive of dress is without the extra S because the word following it begins with an S. (I am not making this up.) And anyone with a second-grade education could spot the misspelled until.

You’d think that in a short blog post, there couldn’t possibly be more errors. You are wrong! Here are two more:

collar bone shine thread

If you’re unsure whether collarbone is one word or two (it’s one), try using clavicle. (Ha! Ha! Like the writer could actually spell that!) And unless you mean “additional long hair,” you need a hyphen in the compound adjective extra-long.

What do you think?