How the mighty have fallen

When i read this on the Yahoo! front page I had visions of Maui, Oahu, Molokai, and the rest of Hawaii falling from the sky:

I’m sure that can’t be what happened, but I’m also sure that sentence makes no sense. Perhaps the writer meant that Hawaii has fallen out of the ranks of the world’s top producers of pineapple. Or maybe it just fell out of the producers of pineapple. That could happen.

6 Responses to “How the mighty have fallen”

  1. ericjbaker Says:

    Oh my. That is all kinds of wrong. I wish I could un-read it, because my mind is generating some disturbing images right now.

  2. jerry y Says:

    They’ve finally corrected this by rewriting the sentence. I hope they send you a thank-you card!

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