Don’t pull this move

Writers who pull this move when writing for are not to be trusted:

fp pull this move

What move? Neglecting to read the actual article that they’re writing about. The issue here is that people “who pull this move” do not hit up the Beverly Hills hot spot. They make reservations and do not show up at the restaurant.

Professional writers who can’t read, can’t comprehend what they read, or can’t synthesize what they read, deserve to be called out very publicly.

Time to tap a new editor

Maybe it’s time for the folks in charge of the Yahoo! front page to tap a new editor — one with a better command of English:

fp is tabbed

As a verb, tab means “to strike the Tab key on a keyboard” or “to add a tab to an item.” It does not mean “to pick, choose, or designate.” That word would be tap.

Hello, pot. This is kettle calling

One silly slip-up deserves another on the Yahoo! front page:

fp an silly

Senators are members of Congress

The legislative body of the United States is Congress. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. So, it’s pretty clear that senators are members of Congress. Please ignore what you read in this headline from Yahoo! News‘ “The Sideshow”:

news congress

and it’s not a silly little typo. It’s right here in the article’s very first sentence:

news congress 2

The writer should have referred to “senators and representatives” or simply “members of Congress” (with a capital C).

That sinking feeling

Whenever I read something like this, I get a sinking feeling:

news sinkholes who knew

Is the writer for Yahoo! News‘ “Who Knew?” a product of the American public school system? Have our educational standards sunk so low that high school graduates can no longer match a verb to its subject or a pronoun to its antecedent?