I’m loath to say this, but I loathe this mistake

This is mistake is on my list of top 10 most loathed errors:


If you mean reluctant or fearful (which is what I think the writer was going for), use loath. Reserve loathe for times when you really, really hate something. Like this writing.

I’m loath to point this out

I loathe this mistake on Yahoo! Finance:

loath finance

The word loath (which rhymes with oath and both) means “unwilling or reluctant.” The word that means “dislike intensely” is loathe.

Do you loathe this word?

Do you loathe this mistake as much as I do? I’m loath to say this, but the reporter for Yahoo! News‘ “The Ticket” needs to consult a dictionary or a competent editor:

I’m loath to mention this

I’m loath to point out yet another error on Yahoo! Shine, but I loathe this error:

Loath means “reluctant”; loathe means “to dislike.”

I’m loath to say this, but I loathe this mistake

A transcription of a video on  Yahoo! Finance‘s “Tech Ticker” makes someone look a bit shortchanged in the vocabulary department here:

and again here:

Mr. Ritholtz actually used the word loath — a word that is obviously unfamiliar to the writer who tried to capture his interview. Loath means “unwilling or reluctant”; loathe means “to dislike greatly.”

I loathe mistakes like this, and I am not loath to say mistakes like this suck.