I just can’t go on

I tried reading an article on Yahoo! Style, but I just can’t force myself to read beyond the first paragraph. It is so stunningly awful in its grammatical mistakes and ignorance of basic English, that I gave up. Here’s what I found with just a cursory examination of the ‘graph; I’m sure I missed a few things that merit attention:

My experience tells me that this writer is not a native English-speaker. Her mistakes are ones that are common with people who did not grow up speaking and writing English. But there’s no excuse for not providing her with a competent editor, if only to save her from embarrassments like these:

  • 18 years old should be 18-year-old. He is 18 years old, but he is an 18-year-old model.
  • instagram follower should be Instagram followers.
  • on first name term seems to be a bastardization of on a first name basis.
  • to loose his cherries for the first time is not just a vulgar expression, it’s kind of a stupid metaphor. First, she means lose, not loose. And one can only lose one’s cherry (which is singular) once. So I’m really confused as to what this is purported to mean. Maybe it just means the writer is both careless and ignorant.
  • There’s a missing the in at Coachella music festival.
  • will also be is redundant when one ends a sentence with too.
  • been to famous music festival needs a the.

I’m sure I missed something, and I didn’t even touch on the run-on sentences. Please, Yahoo!, get this gal an editor!

Who is your writing crush?

Do you have a crush on a writer? I don’t. But if I did, it wouldn’t be this Yahoo! Style writer who can’t construct a grammatically correct question and can’t tell the difference between loose (which rhymes with noose) and lose (which rhymes with news), which is the word she should have used:


Something to lose

Here’s a word on Yahoo! Makers with something to lose — an extra O:

to loose diy

The word that rhymes with whose is lose; loose rhymes with noose. It really is that simple.

Playing fast and loose with the language

It’s easy to lose track of the number of errors on a website if that site is Yahoo! Makers. It looks like this is a misspelling of lose that’s been sitting in this article for a while:

to loose track diy

I’m always amazed at the new grammatical errors Yahoo! writers and editors can come up with. I don’t think I’ve heard the expression that’s been sat outside an episode of “The Beverly Hillbillies.”

Playing fast and loose with the language

Maybe the writer for Yahoo! Makers has nothing to lose by using an incorrect word:

come lose diy

Me? I think that any editor who didn’t correct that has a screw loose

Shoes too loose?

Sometimes I wish there was simultaneous translations on Yahoo! Style; that way maybe I could understand the writers. I get that grey is a variant of what most Americans call gray. But what’s with the “white shoes nothing to loose”?

nothing to loose

Should that be “too loose”? Or “to lose”?

Something to lose

The writer for Yahoo! Travel is wrong when she says she had “nothing to loose.” She should lose that extra O:

loose tra

Blogger lets loose

If I were the type to let loose on Yahoo! News whenever I spotted a mistake on the site, I’d be in a constant state of  snark. So, I’m not going to chastise the brainiacs who don’t know to capitalize Senate when it refers to the U.S. legislative body:

lets lose news

Playing fast and loose with language

If you play fast and loose with English, you’re bound to come up with laughable results. Just ask the writer for Yahoo! Style who’s the new loser:

loser style 1

Armani is known for his looser clothes, which the writer alleges are minimal, which probably means they hardly cover all your bits and bobs:

loser style 2

I always thought his clothes were minimalistic, but I was wrong. But I wasn’t as wrong as the writer whose spelling ability is a real liability when it comes to the movie Inglourious Basterds.

Who you callin’ loose?

Someone was asleep at the keyboard when this went live on Yahoo! Shine:

you loose shine

The word loose rhymes with noose, moose, and caboose. So there’s loose women with loose morals working for loose change. The word that starts with an L, but rhymes with news, muse, and coos is lose.