That’s not fair!

The writer for Yahoo! Makers would have fared better if he had used the right homophone:

faired diy

It’s never to late

It’s never “to late.” The correct expression is “too late.” That’s just one of several homophones a Yahoo! Shine writer gets wrong in a single article:

to late 1

She’s racked up another homophonic horror here:

to late 2

As a verb wrack means “to wreck”; when you mean “to accumulate” use rack up.

She’s made more than her fair share of errors. Here’s another one:

to late 3

Now I get it: This is Shine

I just don’t get it. How does a supposed professional writer misspell two names in the very first paragraph of an article? 

celeb designers 1

It’s not the first time this writer has managed to misspell Mizrahi. Personally, I don’t get it. It seems like a simple name. How can a writer specializing in fashion misspell that name?

I also don’t get what the heck this is supposed to be conveying:

celeb designers 2

OK. I lied. That mess conveys a very clear message: The writer can’t write and can’t proofread. And she also has no idea when to use an apostrophe to form a possessive:

celeb designers 3

It is possible that this grammatically challenged writer thinks that the plural of woman is womens. Or maybe the plural of the women is womens.

Let’s be generous and call this incorrect verb a mere typo:

celeb designers 4

And with some really creative thinking I can imagine that this actually makes sense, even though it appears to be complete nonsense:

celeb designers 5

And this is no doubt a little bit of humor inserted to amuse the reader:

celeb designers 6

This whole mess hasn’t fared well. But this is from Yahoo! Shine. That much I get and it explains a lot.

No fair? No, fare

The writer of this excerpt from Yahoo! TV would have fared better using the correct word:


No fair, Shrek

Shrek: The Musical is in rehearsals in Seattle, and the Yahoo! Broadway blogger is not faring so well writing about it: