Did you forgo looking at a dictionary?

It looks like the editor at yahoo.com chose to forgo looking at a dictionary when choosing this word:

fp forego

According to the American Heritage Dictionary: “The verb forgo, meaning “to abstain from, do without,” has forego as an acceptable variant. Thus, one can forgo or forego dessert, though the spelling without the e is far more common and is preferred in most dictionaries.”

Forgoing an editor

Looks like the folks at the Yahoo! front page were forgoing an editor when it came to choosing this word:

fp foregoing

From the American Heritage Dictionary:

The verb forgo, meaning “to abstain from, do without,” has forego as an acceptable variant. Thus, one can forgo or forego dessert, though the spelling without the e is far more common and is preferred in most dictionaries. Forego also exists as a separate word meaning “to go before, either in place or time,” as in The essential points have been laid out in the foregoing pages. The two words have historically been spelled differently because they incorporate different prefixes: The fore- of forego is the same prefix (meaning “in front, ahead, before”) found in forefather, forehead, and foreword, while the for- of forgo is akin to the for- in forget, forlorn, and forsake and usually denotes loss or removal.

Foregone conclusion

So, I was expecting a list of all the categories of weird ballpark food when I read this on Yahoo! Sports‘ “Big League Stew”:

forego sports

Or maybe the writer meant he was going to precede all the categories with something as-yet unnamed. Or maybe the writer doesn’t know that forego means “to precede”; forgo means “to abstain from.”

Forgoing the dictionary

If you’re in doubt about the spelling of a word, look it up! That’s my advice to the writer of this excerpt from Yahoo! Shine:

Although forego is a variant of forgo, I wish the writer had used the latter. Foregoing can mean “previous or preceding.” I think forgoing, which means “abstaining from,” would have been a better choice. As for au naturale, it’s simply a misspelling of au naturel.