Would that be Jeb Bush’s websites?

Former governor of Florida Jeb Bush has set his sites on Vermont. Sounds good to me, except I can’t figure out what sites this Yahoo! News correspondent is referring to:

set his sites pol

Is it his websites? His campsites? His parasites? Oh, well. I may never know. Next time I’m looking for information, I’ll set my sights on a legitimate news outlet.

Setting my sights

So I set my sights on homophonic errors on Yahoo! Parenting and found this:

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Outta sight!

That’s quite a familiar sight on Yahoo! Makers:

site diy

Makers is a site that frequently contains incorrect words. That’s just one more.

Set your sights on this

The “journalist” for Yahoo! News‘ “The Ticket” doesn’t place a heavy emphasis on choosing the correct word:

news emphasize

He definitely hasn’t set his sights on eradicating homophonic errors.