Firing cannons at Christmas

A Christmas cannon doesn’t seem in keeping with the spirit of the season. But according Yahoo! Style Pope Julius I did something  with a Christmas cannon. Maybe he lit the fuse:

cannon sty

If I were really interested in learning more, I’d consult the Christmas canon, which would be a collection of literary works, or Wikipedia.

Learning something new every day

Before I started Terribly Write, I never knew there were people (professional writers and editors, no less!) who confused canon and cannon. This time someone on Yahoo! Makers has confused the ecclesiastical law with the large weapon:

canon diy

So, there are people who make that mistake. Good to know. I’ve learned so much from Yahoo!.

What does Arthur Elgort do with artillery?

Photographer Arthur Elgort has a cannon of work. Maybe when he’s not shooting pictures he’s shooting howitzers:

cannon style

If I were the writer for Yahoo! Style, I’d make sure my canon of work didn’t include embarrassing homophonic errors. (Even if the writer had use the word canon, it’s a bit iffy if the word applies, since it refers to the works of a writer.)

Cannon misfire

Someone needs to tell the writer for Yahoo! News‘ “The Lookout” that there’s a difference between a rule or law (known as a canon) and the large piece of weaponry (or a cannon):

news canon

Cannon misfire

The canons of polite society do not allow me to express my true feelings about the Yahoo! News writer who can’t tell a principle or law from a large mounted weapon:

But they can’t stop me from associating firing with cannons.

Loose cannon

If you can’t stand homophonic errors, then you shouldn’t be reading Yahoo! Shine. Especially this:

This writer is a loose cannon, who can screw up something as simple as a book title. (Huck Finn is a character; the book is “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”)

I assume that the “cannon” she refers to is Christopher Cannon, the author of “The Grounds of English Literature.” But that makes no sense. This loose cannon doesn’t know the difference between a large weapon that fires large balls and a group of literary works (that would be a canon).

Choice words for Teen Choice Awards

OMG! This is like totally awesome! The writer of a Yahoo! omg! blog got to attend the Teen Choice Awards. And the experience apparently had an effect on her — or at least on her ability to write:

choice omg 1

It’s not often you see a plural formed with an apostrophe. I kinda like it. I’m also groovin’ on the missing apostrophe in the contraction. And if you love prepositions, just pile ’em on! And “the Levi Johnston”! It’s kickass. Kinda like The Donald. Come to think of it, maybe the blogger should have written The Levi Johnston.

What I really envy, ya know, is the writer’s complete freedom to use words without regard to their meaning:

choice omg 2

Like who cares if canon means “a code of laws established by a church”? You understood what she meant, right? Sweet 🙂