What’s its informal name?

In a bakery’s formal name is Babycakes, what do you suppose its informal name is? Baby? Cakes? The writer for Yahoo! Food, who I don’t think was formerly a student of common English words, has me a little confused:

formally food

Ha! The bakery is Erin McKenna’s Bakery; it was formerly known as Babycakes.

A Penney for your thoughts

The writer for Yahoo! News‘ “The Sideshow” is pretty free with freeway in this redundant use of the word:

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He’s also pretty free with the spelling of the article’s subject. It’s an article about JC Penney, not about the copper coin:

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Proving that he doesn’t need to do any fact-checking, he even misspells the retail giant’s URL:

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If a tea kettle is formerly known as “Bells and Whistles,” what is it called now? And does it have a new, formal name?

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Of course, most people aren’t taking the writer’s work too seriously. They know that he’s somewhat of a hack whose writing would benefit from the watchful eye of a competent editor. I’m thinking, maybe an editor who knows that a series doesn’t involve a single commentary, but multiple commentaries:

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I suppose if the writer doesn’t care about spelling and word usage, he also doesn’t care too much about punctuation. Perhaps he feels that a period between sentences is optional:

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