What kind of flower do they use?

What kind of flower is used to make tortillas? Not roses or marigolds, neither of which has much nutritional value. We’d have to as the writer for Yahoo! Makers who has trouble with homophones as well as matching a verb to the singular subject neither:

flower totillas diy

Mistake so basic leaves me astounded

Making pizza dough requires water, salt, yeast, and flower. Flower? Yup, that’s what it says on Yahoo! News:

flower news

I’m thinkin’ maybe dahlias would work in the dough. And thank goodness there’s no flour, because lots of folks are gluten-intolerant these days. Since the topping includes “basic leaves,” then maybe the branch of an oak or maple would have enough leaves. So how come the topping doesn’t include basil?

Wheat flower? Really?

Did the blogger for Yahoo! TV‘s “Daytime in No Time” really think this correct, or is it an early April Fools’ prank?