Did you hear that?

We’re here to tell Yahoo! Sports that there’s a homophonic error here:

were hear spo

Completely, totally, wholly mammoths

Holy moley! A complete mammoth has been spotted in Siberia, and Yahoo! News‘ “The Sideshow” has the deets:

The Wholly mammoth seems to look a lot like a woolly mammoth:

The similarities are so eerie that I’m beginning to think that the writer is an idiot and just doesn’t know how to spell woolly mammoth:

If you believe everything you hear or read, you should not be reading anything written by a Yahoo! reporter. You’ll wind up thinking that omitting words is OK, that here is what you do with your ears, and that had began is grammatically correct:

How to make Michele Bachmann sound even dumber

If Michele Bachmann had written this, I think I would have overlooked it. But it was transcribed by the reporter for Yahoo! News‘ “The Ticket,” who has a little problem choosing the correct homophone:

I never thought I would read these words

There’s an error born every minute on Yahoo!. I never thought I would see this, but here it is on Yahoo! TV‘s “Daytime in No Time”:

Now hear this here

Here is an example of a homophonous error:  


I hear tell it’s not unusual to find this kind of error on Yahoo! Shine.

Hear, hear. Not here

Aw-righty, let’s take a look at this sentence from Yahoo! Shine:


Do you object to the use of alright, which is considered “nonstandard”? The excruciatingly correct expression is all right, but in informal writing such as a blog, alright is probably all right. Of course, the writer who uses nonstandard English runs the risk of being considered rebellious or illiterate by some grammar conservatives.

There’s no question that the redundant a a is incorrect and that the word here here should be hear:
