Writing mistakes to avoid to at all costs

One writing mistake you can avoid is the extra word that showed up on the Yahoo! front page:

fp to avoid to

If you read everything you’ve written aloud, you may just discover a typo or two. Heck, if you just reread what you’ve written, you’re bound to do better than the folks at Yahoo!, who have yet to appreciate the value of proofreading.

Who are they?

Just who are the “they” in this teaser on the Yahoo! front page?

fp they're

There’s no plural noun that could be the antecedent of the pronoun. The pronoun’s antecedent is actually publication, a singular noun that takes the singular pronoun it.

From an A to an F

We here at Terribly Write award the writer and/or editor for the Yahoo! front page a big fat A for correctly hyphenating 190-square-foot apartment. However, the hyphens in 190-sq-ft home knock the overall grade down to a big fat F:

fp 190-sq-ft

A professional writer or editor should know that a number followed by an abbreviation is always unhyphenated.

Time to retire

If you just tapped out this headline for Yahoo! Shine, I think it’s time for you to hang up your keyboard:
