Get the lead out and head to a dictionary

At what age did you find yourself thrust into adulthood? Were you old enough to know that foisted isn’t the correct word here?


The writer of this article for Yahoo! Shine claims to be an adult, even though her writing can be a bit juvenile. Or perhaps its the rebellious spirit of a teen that compels her to ignore the niceties of spelling and grammar and other language-related stuff.

She loves her some capital letters, but unless she means some guy named Mac and his dog Cheese, these capital letters are wrong:

She’s fearless in her use of homophones, even if they’re wrong. And she’s a bit lazy when it comes to using a dictionary to figure out if Peter Pan should be capitalized:

Sometimes she throws out a collection of words that make sense only in her own mind:

More with capping. That word isn’t a proper noun and apostrophes aren’t quotation marks:

Nice try, but wrong. The abbreviation “STDs” is singular; the verb should be stands:

Again with the arbitrary capital letter. She loves to make Everything So Damned Important by capitalizing it. I can’t hardly wait until she learns how to look up movie titles online:

An expiration date doesn’t have a length; it’s a point in time. Maybe you meant: “before its expiration date.” And what the heck did she think “gets the Led out” means? It makes no sense, right? My advice to her: Get the lead out and head to a dictionary.

More typos and homophonic hilarity, too. And of course she just had to capitalize president, even though it doesn’t precede the man’s name. 

This young whippersnapper should just get the lead out and head for a dictionary. And maybe a class in writing.