What do you expect?

Every day Yahoo! Shine features terrible typos, monstrous misspellings, and grammatical gaffes. If you’ve wondered how some many mistakes could slip past the editors, I think I’ve found an answer. Just take a look at some of the errors made by the senior fashion and beauty editor for Yahoo! Shine.

This should be Jean Paul Gaultier, the French designer, and a name a senior fashion editor should know:

shoes shine 1

This is an approximation of Lily Gatins’ name:

shoes shine 2

I’d expect a senior fashion editor to be familiar with Maison Martin Margiela:

shoes shine 3
It’s not surprising that there are so mistakes on Shine when a senior editor makes major contributions to the error count.

2 Responses to “What do you expect?”

  1. lectorconstans Says:

    All them furrin names are just so hard.

    But wait – was that really the “senior fashion and beauty editor”? They really don’t set the bar very high over there.

What do you think?