It doesnt’ look good

Things don’t look good over at Yahoo! News, where typos and other goofs erode the credibility of the site:

news workinkg

Here’s one I’ve never, ever seen before — not even on Yahoo!: A misplaced apostrophe:

news doesnt

One use of an apostrophe is to indicate a missin’ letter. So, what letter has gone astray in doesnt’?

Not a good place for a typo

A headline is a terrible place to make a mistake. Just ask the readers of Yahoo! Sports‘ “Prep Rally”:

louisana sports pr

Let’s just be charitable and call this a typo and not a misspelling of Louisiana.

Maybe he should have done that first

Let’s just overlook the broken-up rainstorm on the Yahoo! front page and focus on the bus driver who tried to cross a wash before he turned the bus on its side:

fp rain storm

The epicenter of faulty writing

What is Yahoo! Sports‘ “Prep Rally” if not the epicenter of missing words?

peter rabbit 1

Yes, the “Prep Rally” writer tends to make quite a few little mistakes — and even more big ones. Like claiming that briar patches are “the physical representation of Peter Rabbit episodes.” I don’t even know what the heck that’s supposed to mean, but I’m guessin’ the writer has his bunnies confused. It was Br’er Rabbit (from the Uncle Remus tales) who was born and bred in a briar patch:

peter rabbit 2

I’ll have to agree with the writer here, even if I disagree with his grammar: Juggernauts isn’t the most creative name:

peter rabbit 3

“Single digits” in a graduating class makes me think that only unmarried fingers were in the class. Maybe Tom Thumb or Pinky Lee were graduates?

Don’t even try to understand why the writer chose the plural pronoun they to refer to a high school. It just is.

peter rabbit 4

If you figure out what the rest of that sentence means, please let me know in the comments. Or not.