One writer’s many problems

Some writers have problems with spelling, grammar, and word choice. For them, the services of a competent editor is as necessary as a reliable laptop. But for the writers for Yahoo! Shine, editorial services are an apparent luxury, and writers are left to deal with their literary demons on their own.

Such is the case with this writer, who is unable to complete an article without offering a multitude of mistakes, starting with the opening paragraph:

If you’re referring to the region of the United States, West Coast is a proper noun. If you’re writing a series of nouns, don’t squeeze in a verb.

Lace to dress: You look fabulous! That’s one way a bit of lace might compliment a dress. If, however, the lace improves the appearance of the dress, then it complements it:

Well, the duke and duchess will be attending the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) awards. I think the writer almost communicated that, but had a few problems:

The writer’s grasp of geography is as tenuous as her grasp of English. Santa Monica is not in LA; it’s in LA county.

And her knowledge of designers like Diane von Furstenberg isn’t any better:

Look! Look! It’s a repeated word!

She also has a problem with using the Shift key on her keyboard, capitalizing a word here:

and neglecting to capitalize Pacific here:

That’s just one writer’s many writing issues. But as readers of Terribly Write know, there are many more writers working for Yahoo! with many more writing problems.