What do you call 7 days in So Cal?

Hollyweek! From the genius minds at Yahoo! Music:

hollyweek music

There’ll be no kowtowing

Refusing to kowtow to spelling geeks, the writer for the Yahoo! Music blog “Reality Rocks” makes a bold move with this misspelling:

Me and my fellow grammar geeks laugh at your writing

Ha-ha! You hardly see a mistake like this in an article written by an alleged professional, but there it is, right there in Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks”:

How does a goof like this happen? I’m imagining that the writer tried the correct pronoun — — and it sounded stilted, so she ran with the incorrect but folksy me. If she had followed the advice of my mother and put herself last (after Matt Whitfield), me would have sounded ridiculously illiterate.

Crystal unclear

It’s pretty clear that the writer for Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks” didn’t spell-check (or even proofread) this snippet:

16-year-old mother of a 5-year-old on ‘Idol’

Fans of “American Idol” will be shocked to learn that 16-year-old Tori Kelly, who auditioned last night, is the mother of a 5-year-old:

The high schooler claimed that the girl with her was just “a friend.” But Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks” must have the inside scoop on this potential scandal. Thanks, Yahoo!. We’ll be looking for further developments. But maybe not on Yahoo!.

Hyperventilating over one mistake

The writer of Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks” makes a come mistake by doubling the L in hyperventilating:

hyperventillating music rocks

Oh, no! Not Kupono!

Oh, no. The writer for Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks” keeps getting Kupono’s name wrong:

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I swear I’ll keep reporting typos if it kills me:

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Like this repeated misspelling:

teddy reality rocks music 3

Kherington Payne: Fame isn’t enough to save her

Kherington Payne’s fame isn’t enough to save her from the abuse of multiple misspellings by the “Reality Rocks” writer on Yahoo! Music:

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Misspelling a name once? Maybe it’s a typo. But do it again

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and again in the same article? That’s just wrong. Really, really wrong.

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Kupono no-no

Oh, no! It’s not Kupono on Yahoo! Music‘s “Reality Rocks”:

kuppono music reality blog

Lobbing through the wringer

When he’s not lobbing insults at “American Idol” contestants, Simon Cowell spends his time trying to influence legislators. No, no, that can’t be right. It doesn’t make sense, but it does appear in the Yahoo! Music blog “Reality Rocks,” so there must be some truth to it:

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Was there a ringer in “American Idol”? Someone who was put there by the producers to affect the outcome of the voting?

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And was the ringer put through the wringer like the other contestants?