Capitalize everything!

Unsure if a word should be capitalized? Just do what the writers for the Yahoo! front page do: Give it a capital letter! Who cares if it’s wrong to capitalize a common noun following a semicolon? After all, a semicolon is just a period with a comma underneath:

When should you capitalize ceremony? Anytime you want! Even though it’s wrong, it looks great and gives the word importance:

Giving it a different style

If you can spell hairstyle, shouldn’t you be able to spell hairstylist? You’d think so, but for someone writing for the Yahoo! front page, it’s just not true

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, hairstyle is one word. And so is hairstylist.

Epically bad typo

I wonder if the epically bad moves involve karate.

“Epically bad moves” has been brought to you by, home of epically bad proofreading.


Titanic flip-flop flap

OK, so I lied about the Titanic part. And the flap part. It’s just a missing hyphen on the Yahoo! front page:

I’m prone to exaggeration when I see a mistake like that. Anyone who is familiar with the political news in the U.S. for the last four months should recognize that flip-flop needs a hyphen.

News Flash! Be prepared to pay for food at restaurants

Thanks, for the info. I was thinking the burger would be free, but now I know I’ll have to crack open my piggy bank before heading out.

I always learn something on the Yahoo! front page.

My take on Will Ferrell

Here’s my take on Will Ferrell: He likes to spell his name with two E’s. Here’s my take on the writer for the Yahoo! front page responsible for this: You suck at your job.