Pearls before whine

Maybe I’m just feeling a little whiny today. I’m no fiber arts expert, but I believe that purl is a knitting stitch. And that knitting is quite different from crocheting. I’m no expert, but I think I know more than the Yahoo! Shine who claims otherwise:

I wouldn’t have mentioned the whole purl/pearl/knitting controversy except that this article is about Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam, a woman who is a rather prolific and creative crocheter. When I read that first paragraph, I thought that the writer was making one of her silly mistakes and accidentally put an apostrophe in MacAdams. But noooo.  The crocheting lady is Ms. MacAdam. No S. No apostrophe. No kidding.

More fun ensues in the article with a repeated word, a typo (lordie, I hope it’s only a typo), and another claim that knitting is the same as crocheting, only spelled differently:

Let’s just say this writer is grammatically challenged: capitalizing words arbitrarily and omitting hyphens arbitrarily:

Just to prove that she doesn’t care who she’s writing about, she also misspells Ms. McAdam’s husband’s name:

She’s so darned sure of herself, she does it again:

Let us hope that the next time this writer wants to publish something, she casts her pearls before an editor. Or I’ll be whining again.

Worst errors on

Misspellings top the list of errors on the Yahoo! front page, while a grammatical error comes in second:

Totally understandable

It’s a completely understandable mistake. Even so-called professionals who you would think were experts on the cinema because they write for Yahoo! Movies can make a mistake like this:

So, the writer got a little confused about the actor’s name. This is Louis Jordan:

The actor who starred in “Gigi” was Louis Jourdan:

But I can see how one could make such a mistake. Especially if one is so arrogant as to think one knows how to spell a name and needn’t research it. Totally understandable.

Your kidding

You’re kidding, right? You’re the writer for Yahoo! Shine and you don’t know the difference between you’re and your? You have a 50-50 chance of picking the correct word and you get it wrong three times? Here:

and here:

Maybe you’re not kidding, but this is a joke.

A lifesaving maneuver

The maneuver that split lifesaving in two was the product of a writer or editor for the Yahoo! front page:

Capital punishment

There are some people who just can’t figure out when to hold down the Shift key. They just don’t understand that some words need to be capitalized and some don’t. And rather than don’t something as strenuous as an Internet search, they make up their own rules for capitalization. Those people generally work for Yahoo! Shine.

They think that gummi bear (or even gummy bear) is a proper noun, so they give it a couple of capital letters here:

and here:

and here:

But, they can’t be bothered to hit the Shift key for poor Cinderella, because she’s just a lowly stepsister, undeserving of the capital treatment they give to gummy bears: