Remember where the question mark goes?

Ooops. Looks like the writer of this teaser from Yahoo! Shine forgot where to put the question mark:


Since “Twin Peaks” is not a question, the question mark belongs after the closing quotation mark.

Who do you trust?

The “blog of the #1 News Site” — Yahoo! News — makes some surprising mistakes:


I think the “gift from Lenox” which is also a “gift from Congress” was specially commissioned. It is Vice President-elect Biden who also got a crystal bowl and an unnecessary hyphen.

But the worst offense, especially in a blog written by online journalists, is the misspelling of Condoleezza Rice’s name. Not once, but twice:


Now there’s a news source I can trust!

Leave the language intact — stat!

I wish the writer of this passage from Yahoo! Shine had left the word intact intact:


I’m giving the writer the benefit of the doubt when it comes to using all caps for the word stat. Let’s assume that the writer capitalized the word to emphasize it and not because she thinks stat is an acronym or abbreviation. Because it’s not. It’s a perfectly fine English word used as an adjective or adverb meaning “immediate or without delay.”

Drilling after dinner

That after-dinner treat is now available for drilling, according to the Yahoo! Buzz Log


I admit that I have to use the memory aid I learned in elementary school when deciding if I want desert or dessert.