You’re kidding, right?

This misuse of the contraction you’re on Yahoo! Shine has got to be a careless error — or a joke:


I just don’t believe a professional writer doesn’t know the difference between a possessive pronoun like your and a contraction.

Hear, hear. Not here

Aw-righty, let’s take a look at this sentence from Yahoo! Shine:


Do you object to the use of alright, which is considered “nonstandard”? The excruciatingly correct expression is all right, but in informal writing such as a blog, alright is probably all right. Of course, the writer who uses nonstandard English runs the risk of being considered rebellious or illiterate by some grammar conservatives.

There’s no question that the redundant a a is incorrect and that the word here here should be hear:


Splitting up a potluck

It was just my luck to come across this misspelling on Yahoo! Shine:


That great gastronomic tradition, the potluck, deserves your undivided attention: Don’t make it two words.

Janet Jackson’s hair incident

Was Janet Jackson involved in some sort of incident during a Super Bowl halftime show? I seem to recall something, but I don’t think it had anything to do with a hairstyle, as implied by this snippet from Yahoo! Shine:
