An eye for an eye

The subject of this sentence and its incorrect verb offer an eye into both the struggle with language and the absence of editing at

fp offers

Nothing fazes me anymore

I’ve seen so many ridiculous homophonic errors on Yahoo!, that another one leaves me entirely unfazed. I’m not even shocked that the writer for Yahoo! Travel decided that the prefix UN required a hyphen:

un-phased travel


How do you plead?

If the writer for Yahoo! Movies pleaded guilty to misspelling the past tense of plead, would you forgive him?

plead movies 2

Perhaps the writer has confused this word with the word read (pronounced reed); its past tense is also spelled read, but pronounced red.

The past tense of plead is pleaded or pled. Here’s what the American Heritage Dictionary has to say:

The Usage Panel prefers the past tense pleaded over pled outside of legal contexts. In our 2008 survey, the entire Panel found pleaded acceptable in He pleaded with me to give him the part, in contrast to 60 percent who accepted the same sentence using pled, and only 38 who found pled completely acceptable in this use.

I’ll never forget ol’ what’s-her-name

In a Yahoo! TV article aptly named “Ranking the 11 Ladies of ‘The View’ From Least to Most Memorable,” it seems that the least memorable has got to be Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who is so forgettable that the writer can’t even get her name right:

elizabeth tv